Watch Me Rise lyrics by Have Heart, 1 meaning, official 2024 song lyrics |
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Have Heart – Watch Me Rise lyrics
"goddamn", he said, "i promised myself
I'd never feel this fucking way
Again, this world has got me praying on my knees
For one peaceful thought

In my mind,
My stride,
My life,
My time
Is consumed with a thousand thoughts

Flying free like a flock of birds
With no direction or intention of finding home

It's so hard to think,
It's so hard to change
When this world doesn't see you any other way

In this world, they choose to see me,
They choose to see me
Like a setting sun

So it's up to me,
I have to see me,
I have to see me
Like the rising one

In my days somebody told me that the rain would always come,
Always come to wash away the pain
But nothing changes and this world still wants me down,
Wants me down on my knees praying in that rain

"born this way, die this way"

I'd rather die on my feet
Than live on my knees
I'd rather die on my feet
So you can watch me,
You can watch me

Watch me rise
With the things we carry

The loss,
The scars,
The weight of heavy hearts

So I say to the slaves of depression
Carry on
And sing the sweet redeeming song
About living this life free and long

Watch me, watch me,
Watch me rise
For Miles and miles

Lyrics taken from /lyrics/h/have_heart/watch_me_rise.html

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Watch Me Rise lyrics © CTSO MUSIC (REFERENCE)

Watch Me Rise meanings

  • U
    + 2
    I believe its about standing up for urself and showing who you really are and stand like satue and never let anyone tear you down and try and make you into a person they want. Eveyone wants to you as a person you arent. And the ending I belive is basically throwing it back in those people faces that ill be who I am and ill limit myself to nothing less of a true hardcore human being and a true huuman basically. That ill be who I am. And watch me as I rise and watch as you fall for being the person who conforms to all the hate and anger and bad things in this world.
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    • U
      + 2
      I believe its about standing up for urself and showing who you really are and stand like satue and... Read more →

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