Silhouettes lyrics by Mac Tire - original song full text. Official Silhouettes lyrics, 2024 version |
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Mac Tire – Silhouettes lyrics
I’d rather die
I’d rather fade away
And be like all the others
Crying in a waiting line

I’d rather die
I’d rather see me down
And with my mud face
Shout until they run me down!

I’d rather not see you
Leaders in suits
All you bloody traitors
You should all die in hell
You bastards!

You better not die
You better find your way!
Don’t be like all the others
Crying in the waiting line!

Man, you better cheer up now!
You better face your fears!
Cause all those voiceless masses
They should all hear your voice
In echoes!

I’ve been thinking about tomorrow
What should we do?
And how do we fight the dark
When nobody believes in light?

I’ve been thinking how do we stay true to ourselves
How do we know right from wrong?

The silhouettes
Walking shadows are heading towards me in a dark tunnel
Taking away my happiness
I am growing up and becoming cynical and angry
I'm annoyed
Who are these voiceless shadows around me?
And what do they want from me?

You’ve been thinking about tomorrow
But you don’t know today!
How could you be loved
When you don’t believe in hope?

You’ve been thinking how do you stay true to yourself
Well, why don’t you start from here?

Oh, the child is fighting an old man
Oh, the tree is fighting the grass
Oh, the Sun is fighting the Earth
But all don't understand they are of the same creation
The child is an old man
The tree is grass
The Sun is Earth
An artist is a creator
If there was a world
Where one was just one
Oh, how miserable would it be
Only as the last piece of smoke after the great fire could be seen
Oh, the fight is eternal
Like the animal in me is infernal
I don't have the courage to accept
That I’m powerless against myself
The fire, the grass and the Sun is eating me
Desperate I am, sealed in the laws
That none has ever seen
Confusion, confusion, fusion of comfort
Silhouettes can be seen
The shadows
The graves
The clock
The red hand is waging
Where am I
Where is the boy
Where is the grass
Where is the world?

And I’d rather die
I’d rather fade away

Lyrics taken from /mac_tire-silhouettes-1676327.html

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