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- -3
To babygurl2270: You're such a retard. The Jonas Brothers aren't like that. And Kevin is old enough to drink! What a stupid idiot you are! And "btw" (what a stupid acronym!) anyone who gets a singing career from Disney could be a rockstar. Check out Miley Cyrus! And, also, people who spell like you shouldn't be allowed to comment. (rocksrtars, concidered, carerr, evan. What are you, 5 years old or something? I mean, seriously, come on now!) Peace! (Your so stupid. I mean, really, who says "peace" anymore?) And "btw" (it's such a stupid acronym, I mean, really!), you just got burned by one of the Jonas Brother's fans. Would you like some ice? And also, next time, use a dictionary or something. Your spelling gives me a headache. My 7 year old cousin already knows how to spell considered correctly. I mean, are you serious? Considered. C-o-n-s-i-d-e-are-e-d! I've met gum wrappers smarter than you! And the gum wrappers had a better taste in music. So think about that next time you attempt to insult someone so much cooler than you.
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