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I really like this song. Coz I can relate so much. I don't want him to go. But still,. I choose to let him go. Coz it seems that wr not hapi anymore., I'm so hard up to move on. But I'm tryind my all to do so. Coz I love him. And if letting go is d way to make him hapi. So be it. Ryt. Drama nu? Haha. Huhu.
+ 2
Its a good tyming tht ill giv meaning to this song. Coz ryt now. My heart is still hard up to move on. For me. This song is for the peepz hu expected so much for love. As if they think everything is permanent and will always be the same. Like me. I had a bf that I had loved so much tht I gave everything 4 him. But still. I loose him. Its so hard to move on. But we really have to. Coz that's wht love minz. Letting go! And sacrificing. Itz been 2months sinz we broke up. And until now, I still cry 4 him. And everytym I hear this song., I cry so hard. But I know. Sumday. I can stand up again and will find d ryt one 4 me.
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