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Heartbreak that I can't escape,
A sinking ship I'll never save
He knows that his heart is going to get broken, so he's saying that he can't escape it. He's using a sinking ship to symbolism his failing relationship. He knows he can't save it can't save it so all he can do is watch it fall apart right in front of him.
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How'd we drift so far away from where we left off yesterday?
I'm lonely like a castaway
He's questioning himself because he noticed that they weren't as close as they use to be. They start to spend less and less time, and that makes him feel lonely even though he's with someone, because they aren't spending as much time as they were when they first started dating.
- 0
Cause you walked out and left me stranded
Nothing left but picture frames
In the end nothing could be changed, she ended up walking out on him anyway. Now all he has is pictures reminding him of the memories.
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Late night conversations, led to complications
Now my heart is in my hands
The conversations they had, they soon turn into arguments, causing them to say things they didn't mean. In the end they ended up hurting each other's feelings.
+ 3
You sound so sweet
When you lie to me
Make you sound so sweet
When you lie to me
The boy knows the girl is lying that she loves him. But he's so infatuated by her that whatever she says he believes.
- -1
So don't stop, stop, stop
We'll take another shot, shot, shot
Cause you know you got perfect aim
I wanna feel you in my veins
The boy wants to feel the girl. He thinks the girl is intoxicating. So he drinks to try to get the same rush he got as he was with her.
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So talk, talk, talk
Well tell me what I want, want, want
I feel like this is the girls point of view. Telling the boy to tell her what he wants, because all she wants to do is leave but he doesn't want that.
- -1
Look in your eyes and know just what you miss
He's looking in her eyes trying to convince her to stay, trying to show her what she's gonna miss if she leaves him.
- 0
I want to print our hands in the pavement
Savour your words, I won't ever waste them
He's trying to get a girl who doesn't love him to stay, so he's saying all the things he would do with her, and how he will savor every word and every moment with her because he knows that may be his last.
+ 1
You got what I want, want, want
Here and then you're gone, gone, gone
If you told me that we were through
You know that I would break the truce
In the boys POV the girl has the boy's heart, but the girl doesn't care as much as the boy does. Except the boy knows that the girl doesn't love him as much as he loves her. That's why it says "if you told me we were through you know that I would break the truce' that' the point that the boy doesn't care. He's scared that the girl might break up with him and he knows that.
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