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I feel my Savior's love
The Savior loves everyone. His love knows no bounds. His love brings comfort when we feel there is no way we could feel comforted.
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He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him
Our purpose here on Earth is to love and be as righteous as we can so we can live with our Heavenly Father again. We should try our best to follow Christ's example. Even if you aren't religious, following Jesus Christ in His perfect example isn't a bad thing. He always served and was kind and generous to everyone. If He saw someone struggling or having a bad day, He would stop and help them. It didn't matter where He was going or what He was doing. He loved everyone.
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I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe that the Savior died for everyone of us, His brothers and sisters. His love and atonement are given freely to everyone who has lived or is going to live here on Earth someday.
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And when I kneel to pray,
My heart is filled with peace
As Mormons, we believe that when your pray to God, you can receive answers through comforting feelings. Everyone feels these feelings differently but anyone can feel them. Peace is a common answer to prayers where you can speak, by yourself or in a group, to your Father in Heaven
+ 12
But with the prophets' words
The current prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Russell M. Nelson. He works alongside 12 apostles and regularly shares uplifting messages with the members of the church and with many other people around the world.
+ 5
Nephi was another figure in the Book of Mormon that was constantly struggling as he followed God's guidance. His older brothers constantly made fun of him for being righteous and his family suffered many hardships but Nephi pushed through it all and would not give up because he knew that what he was doing was good.
+ 3
brave as a strippling warrior
The stripling warriors were young boys in the Book of Mormon that fought for freedom because their parents had made a sacred covenant not to take up arms. They fought for the safety of their home and their freedom
+ 5
strength of the pioneers
The Mormon pioneers received much persecution for their beliefs and traveled long and far to escape this and be able to worship freely and find a place where they were free to worship as they pleased.
+ 7
I'll have faith like brother Joseph
In the Mormon church, we believe that Joseph Smith restored the gospel to the world for the first time after Jesus Christ's death. Joseph Smith, or Brother Joseph was looked down upon for doing what he did but he stood strong and had faith in the church and with God's help, overcame it.
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