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I think it is about a child who is dreaming, but it is also kinda real. Like The Wizard of Oz. Because it says "I close my eyes", so the person might be sleeping. I don't really think that he (it says lost boy) died, because after what I have gathered, it is supposed to be happiness and dying would not be happy. Suicide is the same thing, it's not happy. Anxiety, Depression, DRUGS!? None of it really is about holding on to who you really are and or being happy. I know that anxiety and depression are not happy because I have both. And for all the people who have the fancy-pants interviews, is that what you actually think? Is it embracing who you are by voicing your opinions, or are you voicing the writer/singer's opinion of what the song means. I personally think you are doing the second. I do not mean to be offensive, but am voicing my own opinion, which is what this song is all about. Being happy and being yourself. And I think it also means that you need your imagination to be happy, so if I had to describe this song in one word, I would say imagination.
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