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@5sosahstonirwin This is why many people don't go to churches anymore because of how "christians" judge when in the bible it says we are not suppose to judge! The song is beautiful and has many meanings. Shame on you for saying your christian and then judging people who like and enjoy this song. This song has different meanings for me as it might for others too. Some people have had it rough throughout life, nothing has been easy for some - but at the end of day they have their faith and still pray to god for the life he's given us. And knowing that he is there. We all have different lives and sure as hell have not walked in everyone else's shoes - this is why I don't judge people and keep having to say "I'm a Christian" but in the same sentence throw stones at others who listen to a beautiful song. Thank God there is artists out there who create lyrics like this - make us feel! That what real music is. Christian or not its a beautiful song, so please don't judge others and look at yourself, when your perfect, then let us know. God Bless ya.
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