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+ 2
and I hate being alone
I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the
"I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone."

Being close here isn't physical. he's talking about getting intimate and to have a connection with someone. In an analogy-paradox with go to hell for heaven's sake in which he says "I'm burning down every bridge we made", which a clear metaphor about how he doesn't want contact with someone that's hurt him before. But he hates being alone. He wants someone to be with him, be around him him but is scared of getting hurt because of previous experiences that he had.

"I long For That feeling, to not feel at all..."

he wants to feel something about the person he wants to have in his life without getting intimate, but he isn't capable of doing so.
+ 3
the hopeless?
Well, I'm begging on my knees
Can you save my bastard soul?
Will you wait for me?

I'm sorry brothers
"Save my bastard soul"

He's calling out for all of his mistakes. He recognizes himself as a sinner and so, as someone who's damned and need to be saved.

"Well I'm begging on my knees" this lines comes between the bastard soul, and the one about helping the hopeless, therefore, he's including himself as a hopeless person.

Later in that stanza he says will you wait for me? which means he's probably gonna be away for a while Oli was on rehab to behold his addiction on ketamine, so, when he says he is hopeless and needs to be saved, the sin he committed was to get addicted. And the wait for me is, therefore, about the time he spent on rehab, and how long it's gonna take for him to be back. It's the way he found to talk openly to his fans about what has happened to him.
+ 1
you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?

I think he means that there's nothing to be done. It's a metaphor for hopelessness because, if it's dark (metaphor for bad feelings, and depression, or anger + hate or just the absence of feelings) there's nothing to be seen EXCEPTING THE DARK, so there no light, and there is no hope.
Can you hear the silence? If there is silence, there is nothing to listen to, but the silence. And add to the line about see the dark, he could be saying that there is nothing to hear, not one single supportive line said to him , that can see the dark and is questioning us if we can too, maybe to find support in the people that are listening to him singing.
- 0
no bones,
Feed them to the sharks, and throw them to the wolfs!

I'm burning
The line: Feed Them To The Sharks, And throw them to wolves, is the way he found to mention death. As it would be the only possible way to end the bullies.

You're own flesh with no bones. Bones here could represent the essence of who the person is. So he's just a fake, someone that created a perfect idea of himself to feel better about the situation he's in and joined people (sheep = follower) in order to try and be safe.
- -1
love of god, will you bite your tongue,
Before we make you swallow it?
It's moments
Here he's telling someone, to stop talking or to behold the cruel stuff they were saying. Before we make you swallow it, he's saying that this someone is going to pay, and swallow it (it refers to the tongue) so he won't be allowed to say any other things like that ever again.
- 0
down every bridge we make,
I'll watch
This line seems pretty odd with the rest, but it sound as if he was talking about someone that cheated on him, or in the case, someone that he was meant to trust, was the worst bully and he hadn't realised it yet. So when he figured it out, he burned down the bridges (representations of the connection he previously had with the person) to get the freedom he deserved.
- -2
you choke on the hearts you break,
I'm bleeding out every word you said.
Go to hell for heavens sake!
I'm burning
The person who "narrates" this song, is talking about te feelings that the people that are bullied get, since they get hurt, and their hearts break with those words. But this guy-narrator found a way to bleed out, take away the words the bullies told him. Bleed out could be just a mention about getting rid of the frustration, or talking about self-harm.

He finalizes by saying go to hell for heaven's sake... Which could be said to either himself or to the bullies.
+ 1
diamonds leave your bones?)

I think he could be talking about drug addiction. Like, the character is stating his pov about bullying and uses drugs as a way to escape the reality of his life being bullied. The diamonds can be a reflex of the hallucinations that the character gets while using it.
- 0
you to spare me,
The pleasure of your company.

(When did
It Looks like Oli is making use of Irony, since he says pleasure of your company, but tells you that he wants to be spared of it. He doesn't want it indeed. He puts himself on the place of people who were bullied, and says he doesn't need people to bully him, and bring him down (adding this line to the rest of the pre-chorus).
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