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Any Christian or Gospel song I hear, is more to me than a set of sounds with words (that may or may not include the name of Jesus, God or Holy Spirit) applied to the melody. The song must have a beginning, middle and end - the song must tell a story. In that story, for me it must help encourage me to increase my faith to move from fear to faith, from anger to peace, from pain to joy, from bound to being free! A song can also help take me to place of pure worship; in other words it can set the "stage" if you will to embrace the spirit of God and praise Him with all my heart... With that said here’s my take on Marvin Sapp's song "In the Garden". I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses... - Have you ever seen a rose or a flower on a summer morning? Imagine looking out your window and the view of a long country road lined with roses early in the am. Just after sun rise and the dew is still on the roses from the cool of the evening meeting the warmth of the sun. How peaceful that picture looks to me in my vision. God is the God of peace, imagine being on the outside of that window, where the sun is shining brightly but not hot, and you begin to pray. As you look around you see the roses and the dew and you imagine to yourself - wow who would have taken the time to create such a beautiful flower and think to create an object that would not only warm that flower, but create a night that would turn into day so that, that same flower could get some water without rain. Surely if He took care of a rose and saw to all of its needs surely He will provide for me and you! And the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses, He speaks and the sound of His voice, Is so sweet that the birds they hush their singing, and the melody that He sends to me, within my heart is still ringing. - When I pray, and I'm still I can hear the voice of God speak to me. That's right I can hear him. Although His voice is not always like the artists describes, sometimes He just very direct especially when I'm not listening to him - much like a parent. Oh but when I hear that sweet sound of His voice, that would make the birds hush, my soul cries out and I just want to scream from the top of my lungs, Lord forgive me for all the wrong I've done, or I can't seem to thank Him enough for all that He's had done and/or for all that He will do! That feeling and sound can reverberate in my ears, my eyes (though watching other people get blessed) my heart and my soul sometimes for weeks at a clip. And, and He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me that I am His own, and the joy we share as we tarry, tarry there, none other has ever, ever known. - As we talk (prayer) shared conversation (I listen) I often hear Him say, don't you worry my child, I have everything under control. When I walk and talk with Him words cannot adequately describe but I’ll give it a shot. Think about the worst time in your life, the most painful situation you have been in or may be still going through, think about the husband or wife that abandoned you, that parent that said you would never be anything and they still verbally abuse you, think about all the times you messed up! Now, think about your favourite food, your favourite picture, your most trusted friend and the best time in your life, imagine the not having experience a "good" time yet, life just has been horrible - roll all that up as walk to your garden and now visualize that rose in the morning's sun with the dew... and you get on your knees, and simple say, I am a sinner and I'm sorry - I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. None other has ever, ever known. – His voice will now sound like no other voice you have ever known… None other has ever known. Peace and Blessing, MsConcerned.
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