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I think life is tragedy and beauty itself in one glimpse into the secrets of life, often tragedy blinds beauty to our eyes because the pain of loss is so great, but in the world of grey the sun still sets and always will and with it's setting it will rise again today and every day. You just have to remember that a new day or a new beginning is always inevitable and only a door away. When one door closes in our lives another door awaits to be opened and walked through. It's not always easy but it is that simple, sometimes saying goodbye to the shadow of yesterday is the only way to move forward into a new day where the sun will alway rise and set for you and all of us. With the saying of goodbye we can hurt the ones we love and they may even beg us to stay but it's best if we just go into the sunset wishpering 'goodbye'. On the other side of this new door beauty will reveal itself to you once again through the lessons learned behind the shadow of grey that clouds your world.
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