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A lot of Alice's music actually has Christian undertones within the lyrics. His Father and Grandfather were both ministers and his wife's father was an evangelist. And I am made of you has definite Christian meaning. His songs reflect the worship war between God and Satan. In The Beginning, I was just a shadow, In the beginning I was alone. We all start in the world without God, and we have emptiness in our souls we fill with the world and with worldly things. In the beginning I was blind, living in a world devoid of light. In the beginning there was only night. Satan blinds us to the evils of the world. He has his hands on us and doesn't want to let us go. I was shattered, left in pieces and I felt so cold inside. Our turn to God can result from a tragedy that happens in our life that crushes our soul. Hopefully a friend comes along and introduces us to a different way to live our lives. Then I called you from the darkness where I hide. We each make the personal choice to follow God or Satan. When we reach for God, we are making a conscious choice to change our life and start living for God, instead of ourselves. (Satan). I am made of you. (4x) When we do make that choice, we give our lives over to Him and let him guide us and we become part of God. He lives in our souls. In the beginning, you were revelation, a river of salvation. And now I believe. When we start living for God a new person appears within us, and that person is visible to the outside world, such that those around us notice. They tell us we seem like a different person lately. All I wanted, all I needed was someone to rescue me. We just need assurance there is a way out of this life sometimes. That's only through a relationship with God. I was drowning, I was dying, now I'm free. Thank you Lord for knowing we are sinners, yet loving us enough to give us your Son Jesus for our salvation. There is nothing we can do on our own to save our lives but to accept Jesus as our savior, freely given to everyone who believes in him. I am made of you. (4X). Here I am now, I can stand now, cause your love has made me strong. We learn to trust in God to lead our lives and He becomes our guide. He accepts us as we are, and loves us in spite of our weaknesses. We are a new creation in him, and he tweaks those parts that are weaker and makes them strong in Him. And forever, you're the singer, I'm the song. Another way of looking at this is that God is the author and we are the story. Both mean the same thing. God leads, we follow. I am made of you (8X). If you're a Christian, you're where you are because God has worl for you where you are. You're in your mission field. Take every opportunity to share God with those you know and meet. Not in an in-your-face manner, but in an open sharing compassionate way. Some plant the seed of salvation, but others may till and water the soil it grows in, and still others may end up harvesting the field. All still share in the harvest. You never know what's going on in someones life at that moment, and all they may need is someone to share God with them. If they reject the message, it's not you they are rejecting, but God. But don't miss an opportunity because it was Jesus' final command to go for the and share the good news with the world. Continue in that command. If you're not a Christian but feel there is more than this life, there probably a Christian you know that's praying for you. Ask them what being a Christian is all about. They'll share it with you. Peace be with you all.
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