0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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This brave new you that you are
No that he's letting himself be "awakened", he's discovering new parts of himself and feels changed as a person.
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But now our bodies are the guilty ones
They feel guilty for letting themselves be exposed to something that their society so desperately tries to hide or make shameful.
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Something you keep in a box on the street
Now it's longing for a home

Could be about how in this time, people tried to ignore the idea of s** and separated from it, but when they're exposed to it, it "longs for a home" and cannot be ignored.
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Something started crazy
Sweet and unknown
They didn't know what their conversation would lead to or that their relationship would reach that level (of intimacy).
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Cause my world keeps turnin' and turnin' and turnin' and I'm not movin' on

Could be how jackson's fame was declining/not improving while ally's fame is skyrocketing, and he doesn't know how to deal with being overshadowed.
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If I knew it would be the last time
I would have broke my heart in two
Tryin' to save a part of you

Jackson realizes he was a bad husband, and if he knew their relationship would have lasted this long, he would have broken up with her to prevent her from being hurt from his suicide/his alcoholism.
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Wish I could
I could have said goodbye
Even though the song was written by jackson for ally, it fits from her perspective of wishing she could have said goodbye before he died.
+ 1
I'll always remember us this way

Oh yeah
I don't wanna be just a memory baby yeah
Wants to remember all the good parts of their relationship, but doesn't want the good of their relationship to only exist in the past.
- -2
Lovers in the night
Poets tryin' to write
We don't know how to rhyme but damn we try
Could be referencing the night in the parking lot where ally was writing a song and sharing some of the music she's written.
+ 3
You found the light in me that I couldn’t find
Referencing how jackson discovered her, and how she was insecure about her abilities and believed she would never make it because of her appearance, but he could see her true talent.
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Sign of the Devil!
Sign of the Devil!
C'iy on fire
The smoke is in reference to the furnace in the cellar where the people who are killed by Sweeney are being cooked for the pies, and that this smoke is proof of his evil.
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They are beyond our touch
I watch and watch
He is taunted by the mermaids and their beauty but they are out of reach (see note above).
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She was a catch,
We were a match
I was the match that would fire up her snatch
There was a catch
I was no match
I was fired from her crutch
Mermaids, in old lore, would lure sailors with their voices and their beauty. He has been entranced by a mermaid, but there was a catch and now he trapped forever to be tempted by them but to always be out of reach.
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Oh I wish He would come out
God is in the house
Even though he has not come out and have taken all these precautions to perfect their town and summon him, he won't come out, yet they still have faith he is there.
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Any day now He'll come out
Throughout the song they have this false belief that their town is perfect and free of crime because "God is in the house". They say no one's left in doubt and there's no cause for worry because god will save/protect them. In this line, despite having no proof that god is there, there are still blinded by faith that he will come.
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