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- 0
Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party
It means that if we work together everything would be better and we would be boss and awesome this is why I think this is who people (some people) like this song. Because it is nonsense, and silly(in a absurd way) and it is saying positive and teamwork is awesome hey that's weird.
- 0
Everything is awesome, when we're living our dream
This part means everything would be awesome and is awesome when we live in our dream. I know this song could have double meanings but this one is sort of an oddball.
+ 3
'Cause all of me
The part in the song that says "'Cause all of me" it means what I do for you is all I got and I will do anything for you and will love all of you meaning all that you got all your hobbies and well stuff. 
- -1
been sleeping
Staying up, playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed, and I didn't call
Then I think about
It has been a while since she has left him and hasn't came back. Now she regrets what she did because he gave her the stuff she didn't need but for her and she still left him and made him feel bad. This line(s) means that she is regretting every moment of the life and is so regretful and feels so guilty that she doesn't bear facing him.
+ 9
I think this song is beautiful and amazing. The lyrics's meanings are good and make sense unlike a bunch of other song's and it sounds good. I am just writing this for fun so I don't really care ya know. The girl is driving him crazy and dizzy in her love. but it didn't say I love you so much or stuff like that making it really lame and stupid. The lines sort of have double meanings like you could take a line of the song literally and it won't mean much and it could also be an deep symbolism for deeper meanings needed to be interpreted. A song can mean one thing for one person and another for another person. This means songs can be really powerful and mean a lot of stuff. Songs are peoms that rhyme and sound good with a tune unlike other types of poems. Poems or by far the most powerful way to express your thinking or what is in your heart this means this song could have a deeper meaning than anybody could have thought it would like have metaphor that have to be interpreted or the mood or the tune or you get the idea. Well I think this song could mean a lot of things this is my point I may not give a specific reason that explains what this song is talking about or what it could talk about I am saying that this song has many many meanings.
+ 1
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
It means I am so in love with you I give you all I got and I will assume you do the same thing. The part where it says "you're my end and my beginning" means you are my everything from my beginning to end.
- -5
I think it the song's hidden meaning is I am happy but you need to know why your happy and you have to be happy for a good reason to be more happy and to have more happiness. It also means that you should be happy if you want to not control it. You should go wild if you feel like it and explode the roof of with noise and happiness.
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Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
These words mean to be happy and it is important and is the truth right now and you need to understand its importance. You need to know the meaning of happiness to be more happy.
- 0
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
It means be happy when you want its important come with us if you know that is important and what it means to you.
+ 6
I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
I believe this means he had an inspiring dream thay shouted at him and really motivated him. And he was so happy he got that dream. Or something. Ya know
+ 3
my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told
This means he left his heart for anyone to take, but no one took it for days, possibly weeks. No one takes the chance to take his heart, and so it just stays there, empty.
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