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+ 5
I actually agree with rawr, I think it could be about a long distance relationship too, but I think the whole it being about a girl who keeps coming to the guy when she needs him then pushes him away thing makes sense. The song is like a lot of things, you get out what you put in. If you come in thinking about a long distance relationship, then that's what the song will mean to you, same as if your thinking about being screwed over my someone. I've actually had the exact thing rawr said happen to me. I was head over heals for a girl and she dumped me then only came back when she was upset about her boyfriend and I was always there with open arms. So when I hear this song that's what I think of. Like most songs. Books and other things, you find the meaning your looking for. Either way, this song is genius and Mayday Parade is f*****g epic!
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