0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 2
I love this song also beacuse it saying that you don't know me as well as I know my self and you should never judge me of who I am or who I may become that you can't say nothing to bring my spirits down cuz as long as I know who I really am and others do too and I hate the saying the skys the limit cuz what if theres so much more there and also its not what I look like on the outside its what can show you on the inside just let me show you and I also say this to all my friends you can never be what ever one wants you to be just be who you are cuz I don't see me changin for you anytime soon now do you.
+ 2
I love this song it makes me realizes that when you love someone deeply and they wasted you till you can't stand it do whats best even no it might feel horrible now it will get better beause another guy will come and he might sow your heart back together again and make you feel alive again so its mostly saying you have strangth to heel from anything even with a little help.
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