0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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This song says this to me, he loves her like the very breath he breathes. She captured that love in a woven web, like a spider's. Capturing it but not returning it other than using his loving only as far as it was useful. They were together, but she withheld the glowing best of herself even while they were together. She went looking for someone else. He's devastated and sent in meaningless circles elsewhere. But, he still wants to show her his love. He wants to help, to hold, to make her safe, even if she doesn't value him. He hears that she's having a hard time. She's sad and a storm is coming. The rising tide of her tears may just give him the chance to swim across them to show her his love and protect her from the storm. But, he wonders, is that all their relationship has ever been? Is she only going to use him when she needs him for something, not because she loves him? He wants her, begs her, pleads with her to anchor herself to him, to be with him, to let him love her and protect her. But, they both see the tide of tears, of sadness, of sorrow and it means just the opposite to each. He sees her sadness as the opportunity for him to show her his love. She sees the tide lowering as the opportunity to go out and search for someone else because everything is all okay now. You can truly, deeply, wholeheartedly love someone who will never return that love even when they know you will always be there for them in their worst times. But, one can hope.
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