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I think that it is a song about America looking back at it former self after it has been dethroned at the de-facto world superpower. Just like a king would is overthrown by revolutionaries. The you. S. Is following the same path. Our leaders are simply puppets of a larger force that rules the events of history. The chorus refers to Jerusalem bells ringing and Roman cavalry choirs singing and links them with sword and shield and missionaries in a foreign field makes me think of new world order with the political center in Jerusalem and religious center in Rome respectively. All this has been ushered in with the chaos created by 911 and will end with Obama taking the final steps of handing the you. S over to the world. I'm feeling rather conspiratorial and apocalyptic recently after I heard that the Maya predicted the end of the world to be 2012. Obama becomes president in Jan 2009, add 3. 5 years for midway through the 7 year end times tribulation and you have June 2012 for the Obamanation of Desolation. That will be the time to run for the hills. However, if Obama is not the Anti-Christ, I hope he's a good president.
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