0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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The relationship is probably volatile. It's distructive and probably even violent, which explains his family and loved ones being worried for him and why he's praying. I know all too well how family tend to get caught in the crossfire of their relatives disputes between their boyfriends or girlfriends. -_- Perhaps it looks good and well on the outside, to other people, but really it's the exact opposite in his point of view. In fact, he may be the one that's causing the distructive relationship. And he feels guilty, wants to reform. It could mean anything to different people. No biggie.
- 0
I think that the guy realized that him and his girlfriend aren't quite ready for a serious relationship. Like, he'd wanted to be with her and date her for awhile, but when he does, he realizes that it's not all it's cracked up to be. The idea of them being together seemed great, all peaceful and perfect, a type of "heaven". But when their actually a couple, it's not at all what he'd expected. Maybe he's tired of the same thing? Maybe they've lost that "loving feeling" or passion? -_- So he thinks they should move on. What he's trying to say is that old breakup cliche' "It's not you, it's ME" ;) When he says "Take me back inside when the time is right" I think it refers to when and if he's ever ready for the serious relationship with her. So obviously he still cares for her, he just realizes their not ready for a serious relationship. That's what I think, at least. Avenged Sevenfold ftw! Love this song. ; D
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